Friday, 7 June 2013

Computer crime: 20 Dos and don'ts of online safety

The STAR, Thursday, 6 June 2013
star search, pg 5

1. Never click on the link you did not expect to receive.
2. Use different passwords on different
3. Never reuse your main email password
4. Use anti-virus software
5. If in doubt, block
6. Think before you tweet and how you share information
7. If you have a "wipe your phone" feature, you should set it up
8. Only shop online on secure sites
9. Don't assume banks will pay you back
10. Ignore pop-ups
11. Be wary of public WiFi
12. Run more than one email account
13. Macs are as vulnerable as PCs
14. Don't store your card details on web-sites
15. Ad a DNS service to protect other devices
16. Enable two-step verification
17. Lock your phone and tablet devices
18. Be careful on auction sites
19. Lock down your facebook account
20. Remember you're human after all

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